AI vs. AI: Forecasting the Ethical Dilemma Circling Law, Business and Technology

Jessica M. Balch

[ad_1] Should private, non-governmental companies be able to weaponize sophisticated, well-developed cybersecurity defenses to counter the cause of their own cyberattack? A cyber counterpunch of sorts, or “hack back,” continues to raise all sorts of layered ethical and legal questions for technologists and cybersecurity professionals alike. It is also an […]

Inquiry goes on in Huntsville

Jessica M. Balch

[ad_1] Huntsville school officials weren’t legally required to immediately call the Arkansas Child Abuse Hotline to report accusations of sexual abuse among boys on the junior high school basketball team, according to Prosecuting Attorney Matt Durrett. But they’re now facing backlash from child advocates, legislators and others who say it […]

Biden’s ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ Put on Notice of Criminal and Civil Penalties

Jessica M. Balch

[ad_1] Last week Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, announced the formation of a “Disinformation Governance Board” (DGB) that will operate under his agency.  The DGB’s missions and policies are unknown, and, given the imprecise nature of a federal entity that “governs” “disinformation,” those missions and policies […]

Attorney General: Russia’s crimes not genocide under legal definition | Ukraine Latest

Jessica M. Balch

[ad_1] On Thursday, the Riigikogu adopted a statement calling the crimes committed by Russia’s political leadership and armed forces in Ukraine genocide. Latvia adopted a similar statement several hours before. The attorney general said Russia has committed war crimes including attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure, hostage-taking, deportations, extrajudicial killings […]

Report: Black, Latino Pa. residents more likely to fall behind on utility bills, face shut-offs | Friday Morning Coffee

Jessica M. Balch

Good Friday Morning, Fellow Seekers. With many Pennsylvania households scrambling to keep the lights on during the pandemic, a new report reveals that the state’s Black and Latino residents are more likely to face unaffordable utility costs and fall behind on their utility bills at a much higher rate than are white […]

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