October 4, 2024


The Legal System

‘Medical emergency’ abortion language needs clarification


Some legislators and attorneys are anxious that Missouri’s induce law, which took effect June 24, has obscure language that will cost people their lives.

The wording, they say, tends to make it unclear at what issue medical doctors are capable to intervene when a person has an ectopic pregnancy.

Chapter 188 of Missouri’s revised statutes — which consists of the Suitable to Daily life of the Unborn Child Act — can make provisions for abortions in the scenario of health-related emergencies: a circumstance that would “necessitate the fast abortion of her pregnancy to avert the loss of life of the pregnant girl or for which a delay will produce a serious possibility of significant and irreversible actual physical impairment of a important bodily perform of the pregnant woman.”

Far more:In Missouri, men and women can still get remedy for ectopic pregnancies


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