As millions of Americans returned to their jobs this week after the Thanksgiving holiday, several of the elected leaders of Cochise County, Arizona, opted not to do theirs. The board of supervisors in this sparsely populated southeastern chunk of the state refuses to certify the county’s midterm-election results. Of course, […]
Russian Military Strategy: Organizing Operations for the Initial Period of War
Research Questions How is Russia developing its military strategy to mitigate perceived weakness? In a period of crisis, is Russia preparing to exploit local advantages to strike the lightning blow and win the so-called decisive battle, or is it building an armed force based primarily on defensive operational concepts to […]
Realising the promise of the Defence and Security Industrial Strategy in R&D and exports
The UK’s Defence and Security Industrial Strategy (DSIS) published in March 2021 marked a meaningful shift in the UK’s defence industrial policy. The new strategy dispensed with several core principles for defence acquisition that had been the backbone of UK defence industrial policy over much of the last decade, principally […]