Harris Bricken attorney Jonathan Bench will participate in the Utah Cannabis Law Section’s upcoming CLE over the lunch hour on December 5th. The CLE will be an in-person event held at the Utah Bar Association Offices. The title of the CLE is “To Be Blunt, Can I Be A Cannabis Lawyer In Utah? – the Legal Ethics of Cannabis Law.” Jonathan will be joined by Hannah Follender (Stoel Rives LLP), Cory Talbot (Holland & Hart LLP), and J.D. Lauritzen (WholesomeCo), on the panel.
The panel will answer questions vital to Utah’s cannabis landscape including:
- What is cannabis law?
- Can I practice cannabis law in Utah?
- What is the legal/illegal status of cannabis in Utah? In the US?
- What is the current ethics rule relevant to practice involving cannabis and what does this mean for Utah attorneys?
- How are Utah attorneys currently navigating this rule?
- What is the new rule change proposal and what will this do?
The panelists will take questions at the end of the event.
Event Details:
- Date: Monday, December 5th, 2022
- Time: 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. MST
- Location: Utah Law & Justice Center or Online
- Credit: 1 Ethics Live or E-Verified Credit (pending approval)
- Cost: $10 for Section Members or $20 for Non-Section Members (includes lunch for all participants)
Please register online no later than December 4, 2022. Feel free to contact [email protected] with any questions. We hope to see you there!