I am pleased to announce that Joe Hyde has joined our faculty. He will be working in the area of criminal law, especially as it relates to prosecutors. We hope he will post on this blog and expect that he will take the lead on maintaining NCPRO, our online resource for prosecutors. Joe will also work with the Conference of District Attorneys on prosecutor training. He will surely have opportunities to work with other groups of court officials as well, so be on the lookout for his smiling face.
Joe brings enthusiasm, great intellectual curiosity, and substantial experience in criminal law to the table. He is an honors graduate of the UNC School of Law. After completing both state and federal appellate clerkships, he took his talents to the North Carolina Department of Justice. He worked there for eleven years, most recently serving as a Special Deputy Attorney General representing the state in criminal appeals and post-conviction litigation. He argued more than 40 cases in the appellate division, including just a couple of weeks ago prevailing in the Diaz-Tomas case about which Shea blogged here. He has also presented to and advised prosecutors in the course of his work at NCDOJ.
We’re excited to have Joe on board, so please join me in welcoming him. It is only his third day on the job, but he is already available to advise and consult with prosecutors and other public officials. You can reach him at [email protected].