A Social Security Disability Lawyer handles claims when you have a serious disability, long term illness or have experienced a serious injury and are prevented from working.
However there are some serious issues that also face anyone seeking a claim as there are important deadlines and requirements to obtain the disability benefits required. A failure to adhere to the appropriate rules and requirements can mean that the Social Security Administration (SSA) to deny your claim regardless of the seriousness of your disability.
It is therefore important to have an ‘earlier-the-better’ attitude towards obtaining the services of an SSD lawyer in order to achieve an outcome that is going to be as satisfactory as you can get given the serious circumstances that you find yourself facing.
When calling an SSD lawyer, the general rule is ‘the earlier, the better. So, you can talk to a lawyer even if you are looking to apply for these benefits but are not sure if you are eligible to receive financial assistance. Moreover, once it is ensured that you have all the required documentation, the Social Security attorney can help you receive SSDI benefits faster than submitting the documentation yourself.
Four Reasons to Speak to an SSD Attorney Early
Generally speaking, a Social Security disability lawyer can help you before, during, and after your SSD case. However, here are four reasons why you should speak to an SSD attorney as soon as you can to ensure the best possible result and payment of your benefit.
#1. Receive a Preliminary Evaluation
If you have been injured while working, you may encounter difficulties applying for Social Security disability insurance. The attorney will assess your situation based on your disability and how it will affect your ability to work. Additionally, the attorney will look into the ‘Blue Book’ (it lists all the disabilities recognized by the Social Security Administration). On the initial application, your lawyer should also provide advice on the “alleged onset date” of disability and may also be able to argue the issue about the list of impairments in the blue book and permit you to focus on the most important and arguable facts relating to your claim.
At this stage, seeking legal assistance is critical as you will be announced whether your disability has an equivalent in the Blue Book.
#2. Social Security Claim
If your disability is eligible to pursue benefits, an attorney will help you fill out the initial documentation. They will also ensure that you don’t miss or make any critical mistake that may require you to re-submit your application.
#3. Update the SSA on Any Changes with Medical Records
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 37 million Americans suffer from severe disabilities, so the SSA benefits those who need them the most. To receive your benefits, it is essential to send updates on the status of your medical condition during and after the application process. However, handling paperwork can be overwhelming, so an SSD attorney with experience in this area can be extremely helpful in communicating with the Social Security Administration for you.
#4. Receive Legal Representation in Court in front of an Administrative Law Judge
If your Social Security Disability Insurance application is denied, you can request a Social Security disability hearing. This is an informal meeting with an administrative law judge. They will review your claim, ask you for more information, and come to a decision. At this stage, an attorney will help you with the necessary documentation to overrule the decision and will build strong arguments to convince the ALJ that you should receive financial assistance for your disability.
Whether you are applying for SSDI benefits for the first time or only seeking legal help with an appeal, it is highly recommended to ask for legal assistance in order to navigate the legal waters that will inevitably confront you.
As well as helping you achieve a better outcome, a disability attorney may also be able to move your case along more quickly, which can be particularly important if you have a serious or terminal condition or if you face dire financial circumstances resulting from your situation. There is also the ability of an attorney to forward an ‘on-the-record’ decision from a judge, which removes the need for a hearing.
Source: Ghitterman, Ghitterman & Feld, Fresno, CA
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